More rate hikes from CMA CGM for Asia Europe, India-Med and South Africa
Called general rate restorations of US$300 per TEU and $400 per FEU and to be levied July 27 on cargo from India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka to North Europe, Scandinavia, Baltic, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, North Africa, Central America, Caribbean and South America.
Another rate increase of $300 per TEU and $400 per FEU to be levied August 1 is from the Middle East to North Europe, Scandinavia, Baltic, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, North Africa, Central America, Caribbean and South America.
Another rate increase of $500 per TEU and $1,000 per FEU will also apply August 1 on cargo from Asia, including Korea, Taiwan, Japan, southeast Asia and Bangladesh to the South African ports of Durban, Cape Town and Coega.