Unifeeder extends continental services to Felixstowe to Teesport

Time:2010-05-06 Browse:191 Author:RISINGSUN

NORTHERN European short sea shipping company Unifeeder has announced it will open three services to the UK starting mid-June, after serving Baltic Sea ports last year, report the UK`s Transport Intelligence.
It will serve Felixstowe, Grangemouth, Immingham, Teesport and South Shields adding to its liner services between Scandinavia, the Baltic, Russia, Hamburg, Rotterdam and Antwerp.
With its purchase of Cypriot-Polish shipping line IMCL, the Danish company has opened an office in St Petersburg, and has since offered new services between the Benelux, Norway, Finland and Russia.
Unifeeder, with an annual volume of 1.6 million TEU, is now opening three new services to east coast England, handling a large volumes one major global container shipping line.
Said Unifeeder CEO Jesper Kristensen: "We have taken a decision to expand our network, an expansion towards the west is the latest initiative. We are now strengthening our network coverage, which is already the largest in Northern Europe. Adding the UK as an integrated destination will complement the network."