YICT launches Jiuzhou-Yantian west Pearl feeder barges

Time:2009-11-03 Browse:250 Author:RISINGSUN

THE first feeder service to connect Shenzhen`s Yantian International Container Terminals (YICT) and Zhuhai International Container Terminals (Jiuzhou), (ZICT(J)) was officially launched yesterday.
"We provide regular feeder services, which are convenient for large batches of export cargo," said YICT managing manager Peter Yum. "
"Consigners also benefit from batch customs clearance. The Jiuzhou-Yantian Feeder Service serves manufacturers along the west bank of the Pearl, providing them a convenient, cost-effective way of cargo transportation," said Mr Yum.
The service, an additional express feeder service for this region, links up the largest export gateway in South China and the busiest river port on the west bank of the Pearl River, said a company statement.
YICT and ZICT(J), both members of the Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) Group, are terminals in the group`s network in the Pearl River Delta. With the new Jiuzhou-Yantian Feeder Service, cargo from the western PRD can be transported to YICT by barge for export, further strengthening the group`s service network in the region, said the YICT statement. With the shifting of the manufacturing base to the western PRD, there is a growing demand for barge transportation to international container terminals for export, said the company. YICT has also expanded its feeder network and reaching cities include Zhongshan, Xiaolan, Shenwan, Shunde, Jiangmen and Jiuzhou.
ZICT(J) has the most number of barge services in Zhuhai, taking up over 60 per cent of the market share. It has been playing an important role in connecting Zhuhai with overseas markets.