TT Club calls for campaign to enforce box weights to comply with UN rules

Time:2016-12-13 Browse:298 Author:RISINGSUN
BRITISH transport insurer TT Club is calling for an industry-wide campaign to secure accurate container gross mass data in compliance with United Nations rules.

TT Club said it believes that an insistence on precise gross mass is just the first step in achieving "Cargo Integrity" throughout the global supply chain.

Speaking at the recent industry conference, Intermodal Europe in Rotterdam, TT Club risk management director Peregrine Storrs-Fox said this will include the proper packing of cargo.

It will also provide transparent data regarding contents, particularly in the classification of regulated goods and their safe handling.

Mr Storrs-Fox also called for the "highest standards of container construction and maintenance and the most advanced methods of stowing and lashing" containers aboard ships.

The TT Club, he said, is committed to reducing unstable loads that cause traffic accidents and injuries when unpacking dangerous goods and cause fires both at warehouse facilities and at sea and poorly handled cargoes that cause serious, sometimes fatal accidents at ports and terminals.

"In the immediate future we are anxious to promote awareness of, and adherence to the CTU [UN`s Cargo Transport Units] Code. This is the IMO/ILO/UNECE [the UN`s International Maritime Organisation, the UN`s International Labour Organisation and UN Economic Commission for Europe) the Code of Practice for Packing of Cargo Transport Units, a publication sponsored by the three relevant UN agencies," said Mr Storrs-ox.

"The CTU Code legitimises the chain of responsibility for all stakeholders, providing a comprehensive framework to ensure cargo can complete the entire journey safely and successfully. We urge all those engaged in moving goods internationally to follow the code diligently," he said.

Over the course of the coming year while stimulating as wide an implementation as possible of the CTU Code, TT Club will also be advising on initiatives to improve the other aspects of safe carriage of international freight through its Cargo Integrity campaign.