CMA CGM to levy Asia-India-Mideast-N Africa 2-step rate hikes
From Asia to Algeria rates will rise $1,400 per TEU, $2,600 per FEU and $2,675 per FEU high cube.
From Asia to Libya rates will rise $1,350 per TEU, $2,500 per FEU and $2,575 per FEU high cube.
From Asia to Morocco, rates will rise $1,400 per TEU, $2,600 per FEU and $2,675 per FEU high cube.
CMA CGM rates will also increase from Asia to Pakistan and India`s west coast in two successive steps.
Effective from November 1, from all Asian ports to Pakistan, India west cast and Sri Lanka rates will rise by $100 per TEU and from November 15, they will go up another $100 per TEU.
Again in two steps, CMA CGM will levy a $200 per TEU increase on November 1 on cargo from Asia to Middle East and Gulf ports and impose another $200 increase on November 15 on Asia to Mideast cargo.