Maersk drops 10 Chinese ports of call to focus on profitable ones
The cut ports are listed with the most convenient alternative ports for boarding cargo.
Thus the Port of Chizhou, in Anhui province, will be cut with the ports of Anqing or Tonglong given as alternatives; Luzhou, in Sichuan will be dropped with cargo re-directed to Chongqing; Yingkou in Liaoning will be dropped, with cargo re-directed to Dalian; Jinzhou in Liaoning will be dropped with cargo re-directed to Dalian; Rizhao in Shandong will be dropped with cargo directed to Qingdao; Yueyang in Hunan will dropped with cargo re-directed to Changsha; Lijiao in Guangdong will be dropped with cargo re-directed to Huangpu; Taiping in Guangdong will be dropped with cargo re-directed to Shatian; Jiaoxin in Guangdong will be dropped with cargo redirected to Huangpu and Nansha old port will be dropped in favour of Nansha new port in Guangdong,
"The purpose is to focus on the ports that offer more benefit, better service and opportunities for customers," said the Maersk statement.
"Maersk will cease acceptance of both import and export shipments from above ports effective September 1. Please arrange your shipments through alternative ports to avoid any interruption to your supply chain," it said.