Rate hikes return, Asia-Med US$1,356/TEU, Asia-Europe $1,418/TEU

Time:2013-01-14 Browse:177 Author:RISINGSUN
IT was a good start to the New Year for shipping lines on the Asia-Europe and Asia-Mediterranean trades with rates increasing for a second straight week, according to the latest Shanghai Containerised Freight Index (SCFI).

Asia-Mediterranean rates saw the strongest surge, rising 17.1 per cent to US$1,356 per TEU, while Asia-Europe rates also posted a strong increase of 11.7 per cent to $1,418 per TEU.

Since the final week of 2012 rates to the Mediterranean have increased $252 per TEU and by $200 per TEU to Europe.

Rates were also up on the US-bound trades with Asia-US west coast rates up 5.4 per cent to $2,341 per FEU and east coast rates up five per cent to $3,525 per FEU.

Across all trades covered by the index the SCFI gained 7.3 per cent week to week to reach 1,232.35 points.