Maersk sells priority loading on ships of choice

Time:2010-06-04 Browse:179 Author:RISINGSUN

DANISH shipping giant Maersk is offering paid-for priority loading to ensure containers are loaded on the shipper`s vessel of choice, reports London`s International Freighting Weekly.

Maersk has been testing the system since December, and says customers like it because it delivers nearly 100 per cent reliability. In the event of rollovers, Maersk refunds the premium price.

"It allows customers to determine the urgency of their shipments. Forwarders can offer this too, rather saying there is no space," Maersk Line revenue chief Uffe Ostergaard told IFW, adding that charges would run from US$200 up to $3,000 per box depending on supply and demand.

A Maersk survey revealed that 88 per cent of customers valued the ability to ship cargo on request and 54 per cent were willing to pay more for priority loading, said the report.