Port of Oakland container volumes up 2.3pc in November driven by exports

Time:2016-12-19 Browse:328 Author:RISINGSUN
THE Northern Californian Port of Oakland in November saw container volumes grow 2.3 per cent to 196,981 TEU compared with the same month last year, according to statistics from the port authority.

The volume of loaded import cargo edged up 0.2 per cent year over year to 73,472 TEU, while laden exports soared 11.5 per cent to 85,915 TEU.

The growth in exports continued a strong run for the Port of Oakland, now up in 10 of the last 11 months, American Shipper reported.

Laden imports have now also grown for two consecutive months following a 4.9 per cent year-over-year decrease in August and 4.2 per cent drop in September.

Year-to-date, loaded export volumes are up 10.3 per cent to 869,852 TEU through November compared with the first 11 months of 2015, while loaded imports are up 4.5 per cent to 809,707 TEU during the same period.

The port handled 18,870 TEU of inbound empty containers in November, 7 per cent more than the previous year, and 18,724 TEU outbound empties, 23.9 per cent fewer than in November 2015.

Volumes of inbound empties stood at 207,895 TEU for the first 11 months of the year, up 14.9 per cent from the same 2015 period, and outbound empties at 283,026 TEU, an 18.6 per cent year-over-year drop.