Concor, APMT and Maersk unite to bid to develop Colombo terminal
At present, Sri Lankan port has four container terminals. Since the Colombo south harbour was developed to accommodate deep draft vessels in 2008 the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) has decided to develop four new terminals, each with a capacity of 2.4 million TEU to cater to rising demand, reported The Hindu of Chennai.
The concession for the first new terminal was awarded to China Merchant Holdings in 2012 and became fully operational in 2015 as Colombo International Container Terminal (CICT).
SLPA invited expressions of interest for pre-qualification to bid for the development of East Container Terminal (ECT) on a BOT basis in June. The terminal will comprise three 400-metre berths and a 1,200-metre quay wall with 18 metres alongside.
As part of the bidding conditions, SLPA included a clause whereby preference will be given to a consortium, which includes a strategic investor from the region, taking into account 70 per cent of the throughput of the port of Colombo is sub-continental traffic.
Development of the ECT will be implemented as a public-private partnership in which SLPA will hold a 15 per cent stake and Concor at least 20 per cent.