A-E rate soars 37pc to US$949/TEU, drops 6.1pc to Med ports

Time:2016-09-05 Browse:251 Author:RISINGSUN
SPOT rates for shipping containers from Asia to Northern Europe rose 37 per cent to US$949 per TEU in the week ending Friday, according to the Shanghai Containerised Freight Index (SCFI), London`s Loadstar reported. 

Asia to the US west coast increases 51.4 per cent week-to-week to $1,746 per FEU while those to the east coast were up 45 per cent to $2,441 per FEU. 

Surprisingly, the fallout from Hanjin`s demise has not had an impact so far on rates to Mediterranean ports with spot rates dropped 6.1 per cent to US$519 per TEU.