17,859-TEU CMA CGM Vasco Da Gama runs aground off Southampton

Time:2016-08-25 Browse:241 Author:RISINGSUN
ONE of the world`s biggest containerships - the 17,859-TEU CMA CGM Vasco Da Gama - has now been inspected for damage after it ran aground off Southampton.

The ship ran aground shortly after midnight as it made its way to Southampton, reported Singapore`s Splash 24/7. The ship was refloated within an hour and preceded to the port where an underwater survey was commenced.

Mega ship grounding incidents are a matter of growing concern. Last February, the 19,000-TEU CSCL Indian Ocean created a traffic jam in the River Elbe after it ran aground approaching Hamburg. 

Last month, the 9,971-TEU Maersk Shams ran aground while in a southbound convoy of 33 ships in the Suez Canal. The ship held back the rest of the convoy that had to wait as the vessel was refloated at with the assistance of canal tugs.

Last year in February, the 13,892-TEU APL Vanda, which ran aground on the Bramble Bank, having lost power while approaching Southampton. Eight tugs refloated the boxship just a few hours after it got stuck, on the high tide. 

Again in Southampton in February, 2015, the 51,000-ton Hoegh Osaka, packed with Land Rovers and Range Rovers, ran aground and flopped on its port side off Southampton. It was righted on the high tide and towed under the coast guard supervision.

And in December 2015, the 9,000-TEU Maersk Saigon ran aground at the port of Santos, Brazil, having reportedly left the channel and hit bottom 30 metres beyond the fairway`s edge.