CMA CGM to make westbound call at Port Kelang on FE-Red Sea REX2 string
To maintain and upgrade its service quality, CMA CGM has decided to replace REX2 westbound Singapore call by Port Kelang.
This new routing grants the full coverage and transit time improvements through our advanced feeder network in Asia, the company said.
Thus the 13,000-TEU ER Tianshan voy 125REW is to call at Port Kelang on June 16, all Southeast Asia cargo will be routed via Port Kelang instead of Singapore.
The new REX2 rotation is Shanghai, Ningbo, Kaohsiung, Shenzhen-Shekou, Port Kelang, Jeddah, Ain Sukhna, Aqaba, Jeddah, Djibouti, Port Kelang, Singapore and back to Shanghai.