Maersk sells off non-cellular fleet in Safmarine MPV to NileDutch

Time:2016-03-30 Browse:219 Author:RISINGSUN
AFTER selling five 18,000-dwt multipurpose ships to Thorco Shipping, Maersk group has now sold its non-cellular break-bulk ships with the sale of its Belgian unit Safmarine MPV to NileDutch.

Safmarine MPV was a branch of Maersk Line that operates West Africa breakbulk services. Safmarine MPV is distinct from the Safmarine container division, which remains in Maersk hands, reports Alphaliner.

Safmarine MPV is active between Europe and West Africa with the `EURWAF` service, a break-bulk liner loop partly focused on the Guinea Gulf and Angola oil industry. 

The ships deployed can also berth at private jetties along the West African coastline and perform offshore ship to ship transfers.

NileDutch has confirmed the continuation of the `EURWAF` under the new name `NileDutch MPV` with a first sailing planned for April.