Hanjin Shipping to remove two 13,000 TEU ships from Asia-Europe lane
"As such, Hanjin Shipping intends to improve business profitability by providing exclusive services to areas with great potential for market growth," said the company statement.
"We are confident that we will provide more stable, swift and higher quality service to our customers and enhance CKYHE Alliance`s service competitiveness," Hanjin said.
The restructured NE6 (Asia-North Europe 6) service will have nine 13,000-TEU ships instead of 11, and port calls will be rearranged to allow shorter transit times.
"It will also allow even faster cargo transshipment to West and North Africa through Algeciras as well as shorter transit time from northern Europe to Asia," said Hanjin.
The new NE6 port rotation is Busan, Shanghai, Shenzhen-Yantian, Singapore, Algeciras, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Algeciras, Singapore, Shenzhen-Yantian and back to Busan.
In addition, its jointly-run PM1 (Pacific-Med Pendulum 1) will be replaced by the shipowner`s new HPM (Hanjin Pacific Mediterranean Pendulum) service to connect the US west coast, Asia and the Mediterranean.
This HPM route will be served fifteen 10,000 TEU containerships and the service will commence on April 6.