BIMCO Terms 2015 for bunkers now available

Time:2014-12-23 Browse:222 Author:RISINGSUN
BIMCO’s new standard bunker contract – the BIMCO Terms 2015 – is now available to the industry. The objective of the BIMCO Terms 2015 is quite simple – to provide the industry with carefully thought through terms and conditions for the purchase and delivery of marine fuels that are fair to both parties and provide a comprehensive starting point for negotiations. Harmonisation will help bring certainty to these negotiations and assist parties to a bunker contract to manage their risk and reduce the likelihood of disputes occurring.

Creating a globally acceptable set of terms and conditions for the purchase of bunkers has been a challenging task, an essential part of which was finding common ground between sellers and buyers while taking into account different regional practices. The BIMCO Terms 2015 is the product of a year-long effort by representatives of sellers and buyers to strike a balance in a bunker purchase agreement. The result is an easy to read, yet comprehensive, boiler-plate contract which provides a solid contractual platform for bunker purchases. You don’t have to be a BIMCO member to take advantage of the BIMCO Terms – they are available to anyone in the industry to use. We believe that they cover all the important aspects of a bunker purchase transaction and delivery, so you shouldn’t need to add anything or amend the standard text in most cases, but you are certainly free to do so if you wish.

BIMCO would like to thank the following individuals for their valuable contribution to the development of the BIMCO Terms 2015: Claus Kesting (Sub-Committee Chairman); Klaus Schinkel Stamp; Jens Maul J?rgensen; Claus Erik Mortensen; and Ben Roberts.

We are also grateful to the members of the Bunker Contract Drafting Group of the Singapore Shipping Association for their valuable input and guidance during the project.