First ship energy efficiency and technology transfer workshop held in Ghana

Time:2014-07-04 Browse:132 Author:RISINGSUN
Representatives from 11 West and Central Africa countries are in Accra, Ghana, to attend the first IMO regional workshop on “MARPOL Annex VI – Ship energy efficiency and technology transfer”, from 2 to 4 July,The workshop, which is being hosted by the Ghana Maritime Authority, is aimed at building capacity with regards to knowledge about energy-efficiency measures, while also assessing the regional needs and barriers related to technology transfer.

The information gathered during group and plenary discussions on the third day of the regional workshop will be forwarded onto the Ad Hoc Expert Working Group on the Facilitation of Transfer of Technology for Ships, which will meet for its second meeting from 9 to 10 October, at IMO Headquarters in London, United Kingdom.

The Ad Hoc Expert Working Group held its first meeting during the 66th session of IMO’s Marine environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in March-April this year. A work plan, endorsed by the Committee, envisages: assessing the potential implications and impacts of the implementation of the energy-efficiency regulations in chapter 4 of MARPOL Annex VI, in particular, on developing States, as a means to identify their technology transfer and financial needs; identifying and creating an inventory of energy-efficiency technologies for ships; identifying barriers to transfer of technology, in particular to developing States, including associated costs, and possible sources of funding; and making recommendations, including the development of a model agreement enabling the transfer of financial and technological resources and capacity building between Parties, for the implementation of the energy efficiency regulations.

The Ghana regional workshop is the first in a series which will assist in the implementation of the work plan. Three more regional workshops are planned to be held during 2014, in South Asia, Latin America and the Mediterranean, with additional regional workshops in other regions planned for 2015, in order to gather regional perspectives to further support the work of the Ad Hoc Expert Working Group.

The regional workshop was opened by the Deputy Minister for Transport for Ghana, Mrs. Joyce Bawah-Mogtari.