Marine Testing Solutions (MTS) may be new, but the team have more than 15 years of experience in this specialised field. They provide an impressive range of on-board testing kits, backed up with comprehensive management support systems, enabling every operator to remain efficient, effective and, crucially, legislation-compliant. Wherever they are in the world, vessels and installations can benefit from products and support services from MTS.
The company, which is well on its way to becoming a market leader, supplies kits to test for a variety of issues, including biohazards, infectious diseases and damaging chemicals.
Operators know they have a responsibility to adhere to national and maritime laws, many of which can change from region to region, so it’s reassuring to know they can benefit from the in-depth management support from MTS.
As well as a range of superb on-board testing kits and comprehensive support systems, Marine Testing Solutions also offer training to clients throughout the world. Operators of both vessels and offshore installations can therefore arrange to have key personnel trained to carry out testing, to monitor the results and to act on any relevant issues. Peace of mind is a rare thing in the marine industry, but thanks to MTS it’s available right now.
The shipping and offshore drilling sectors have suffered greatly throughout the recent recession, but many observers feel better times are just around the corner. With MTS on their side, operators can face a brighter future at last.