Lloyd's Statutory Alert: ILO Labor Convention Effective August 20

Time:2013-07-15 Browse:222 Author:RISINGSUN
The ILO Maritime Labor Convention will enter into force on 20 August, 2013.The convention applies to all ships other than warships, naval auxiliaries, fishing vessels, vessels of traditional build such as dhows and junks and vessels operating solely in inland or sheltered waters. Ships of 500 gt or over, engaged on international voyages, and ships of 500 gt or over flying the flag of a member state that has ratified the convention and operating from a port or between ports in another member state must be certified.

The entry into force date for the convention is not the same for every member state. Entry into force on August 20, 2013, applies only to the first 30 countries that ratified the convention. For countries that ratified after August 20, 2012 or have still to ratify the convention, the entry into force date will be 12 months after the date of ratification. A list of countries that have ratified the convention is available at ilo.org/mlc.

The significance of the entry into force date is that Port State Control (PSC) Officers in countries that have ratified the convention may inspect all ships visiting their ports against the requirements of the MLC, 2006. All ships to which the convention applies will be subject to inspection.

Owners and managers are advised to ensure compliance with MLC requirements even if their flag state has not yet ratified the convention. Where the flag state has not issued the Declaration of Maritime Labor Compliance (DMLC) Part I, owners and managers are urged to proceed with preparing the Declaration of Maritime Labor Compliance (DMLC) Part II against the requirements of MLC, 2006.

Applications are also accepted for inspection and issue of a voluntary Statement of Compliance with MLC, 2006.

Lloyd’s Register (LR) has prepared for the implementation of this convention by training a worldwide network of 280 inspectors supported by specialists in strategic global locations. However, as the entry into force date approaches, the number of inspections being carried out daily is increasing. Therefore, companies are recommended to arrange for inspection at the earliest opportunity.

Contact the nearest LR office to arrange an inspection or certification.