MOL on-time performance suffers slight slip, in-house rating reveals

Time:2013-01-29 Browse:187 Author:RISINGSUN
JAPANESE container carrier MOL admitted that its transpacific on-time performance from November to December had deteriorated slightly, according to its own in-house monitoring system.

Of the 13 service dimensions that MOL tracks, eight worsened from November to December, while four stayed the same while customer scorecard compliance improved, reported American Shipper.

MOL said its performance was affected by late-arriving vessels caused by holidays, weather delays, and terminal congestion.

The "US-to-Asia export missed vessel connections due to rail errors", where performance fell from 0.3 per cent in November to 1.6 per cent in December with it in-house standard set at less than one per cent.

On-time performance was as low as 26 per cent from Shanghai to New York, while the other pairs were in the 50 per cent to 80 per cent range.

Export bill of lading documentation completion rate also fell below MOL`s prescribed threshold in December, from 98.9 per cent in November to 96.9 per cent in December in which the threshold is 98 per cent.

But customer compliance metrics rose from 98 per cent in November to 99 per cent in December.

The 18 pairs include the origins of Cai Mep, Shenzhen-Yantian, and Shanghai, and the destinations of Atlanta, Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Memphis, and New York.

Only transits between Cai Mep and Shenzhen-Yantian to both Chicago and Memphis were on time 90 per cent or more in the last quarter of 2012 - 90 per cent is MOL`s performance threshold.