APL to shift Oakland terminals in June to berth bigger transpac ships

Time:2012-12-28 Browse:175 Author:RISINGSUN
SINGAPOREAN Neptune Orient Lines`s (NOL) container arm, APL, plans to relocate terminal operations in Oakland from the Eagle Marine Services facility to the adjacent Oakland International Container Terminal operated by SSA Marine.

APL spokesman Scott Trainor said the move will be made in June to accommodate larger ships. This year, the company received the first of its 10,000-TEU ships under construction and has 14,500-TEU vessels on order. Previously, the largest containerships APL had were in the 8,500-TEU range.

Mr Trainor said APL had not yet decided whether it will put the largest ships into the transpacific trades, but the change would give it the flexibility to use larger vessels, reported American Shipper.

Eagle Marine will no longer operate in Oakland, but will continue to operate in Los Angeles and Seattle. SSA has 15 shipping companies that call at its terminal in Oakland.