APL and Hanjin launch new Japan-Thailand sling from December 25

Time:2012-12-07 Browse:216 Author:RISINGSUN

APL and Hanjin are to jointly launch a new Japan-SE Asia service linking Japan, Taiwan, the Pearl River area and Thailand (JTE) via the transshipment hubs in Kaohsiung and Hong Kong, effective as of December 25, 2012.

The new intra Asia joint service will deploy three vessels of 1,700-TEU, two from APL`s recently chartered Winchester Strait and Hansa Nordburg and one vessel from Hanjin named the Hanjin Manila which will launch the service from Osaka.
The JTE port rotation will have a three week turnaround calling at: Osaka, Kobe, Hibikinada, Hakata, Kaohsiung, Chiwan, Laem Chabang, Hong Kong, Kaohsiung and Osaka.