WatchStander touts blinding light, rubber bullets, pepper-spray on pirates

Time:2012-11-01 Browse:224 Author:RISINGSUN
WATCHSTANDER LLC, is the latest company to offer non-lethal defence against pirates, using a system finds, fixes and pepper-strays pirates if they are not dissuaded by blinding searchlights, strobes and rubber bullets fired as they get closer.

"Initially, we use a 12 million candle power searchlight developed and used by the US, and made by Peakbeam," said WatchStander founder and president David Rigsby.

"We add to this a laser disrupter that has a strobe. These two systems can be seen at more than two kilometres. If the pirates choose to continue, at 800 metres the system goes into a strobe mode that effectively and temporarily blinds them, making it virtually impossible for them to continue," he said.

Based on US Navy technology, the system has developed to identify and employ non-lethal counter measures to deter pirate attacks, said the Fort Lauderdale company with additional offices in London and Washington.

Mr Rigsby said his system is a fully integrated and identifies and attacks pirates before they get close to a vessel, reported the Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide, Piraeus, Greece.

"We use a commercial marine radar as our sensor. Then we use a unique intelligent controller to analyse the tracks. Tracks generated by pirates are distinguishable from most other tracks. Pirates are then put on notice that they`ve been detected. If they fail to withdraw, they will be attacked using increasingly violent but non-lethal means," said Mr Rigsby.

Other non-lethal counter measures include a compressed air launcher, which propels pepper liquid balls and blunt munitions out to 400 metres and beyond. However, the closer the attacker, the more violent the counter measure selected. In situations where several pirate skiffs are attacking, the system automatically turns its attention to the closest. Purchase and five-year after care service comes to US$300,000.