US Federal Maritime Commission seeks views on EU conference ban

Time:2010-11-08 Browse:168 Author:RISINGSUN

THE US Federal Maritime Commission is requesting the public`s opinion on the European Union`s decision in 2008 to end antitrust immunity for liner shipping companies, as part of the FMC`s inquiry.

The FMC is seeking comments by January 18 on the effects of the EU`s repeal on international liner shipping. It said the comments would be incorporated into its Analysis of the EU Repeal of the Liner Conference Block Exemption, scheduled to be complete last next year, reports the American Shipper.

It said the study fulfils the FMC`s responsibility to "keep abreast of changes in foreign laws and regulations that may impact liner activities in US trades," and to determine whether Commission action was warranted due to any effect the EU repeal may have on US trades, the commission was cited as saying.

The FMC said it was aware that in 2006 the National Industrial Transportation League, the US`s largest organisation for shippers, recommended to the Antitrust Modernisation Commission that the US government review of US antitrust immunity following the EU`s repeal of the block exemption. The NIT League stated that such a review should include an analysis of the impact that the changes adopted in Europe would have on the shipment of goods in the US trades.

The study, to be conducted by the FMC`s Bureau of Trade Analysis, will focus on the North Atlantic trade.