Shenzhen-EU first half trade up 34.9pc to US$22.3 billion

Time:2010-08-16 Browse:159 Author:RISINGSUN

TRADE between Shenzhen and EU was up 34.9 per cent to US$22.3 billion, accounting for 11.2 per cent of this check point`s total trade value, reported Xinhua.

Shenzhen`s exports to EU grew 37.6 per cent to $18.22 billion, while its imports from EU rose 25.9 per cent to $4.08 billion, showing a 42.1 per cent increase in surplus to $14.14 billion.

In the first half, the Shenzhen check point recorded a 45.4 per cent increase in general trade with EU, equivalent to $11.35 billion. Exports were up 58 per cent to $8.8 billion, and imports up 14 per cent to 2.55 billion.

Value of trade processing between the two was up 26.9 per cent to $8.92 billion. The export processing value grew 22.3 per cent to $7.68 billion, while the import processing soared 64.1 per cent to $1.25 billion.

The largest Shenzhen-EU export category was electrical and mechanical products, showing a rise of 32.8 per cent to $11.48 billion and representing 63 per cent of its exports to EU.