FRENCH shipping company CMA CGM has strengthened its partnership with Da Chan Bay Terminal One (DCB), the newest container terminal located in the western Shenzhen port area, by joining Maersk`s Far East-India-Pakistan service, in addition to its current strings that call at the terminal.
CMA CGM has in the past been using DCB through slot chartering.
CMA CGM`s deployment of a 5,500-TEU vessel for the Far East-India-Pakistan service marks an extension of the port`s connections to these regions from Da Chan Bay.
The service now calls at the terminal on Mondays instead of every Tuesday to "maintain schedule integrity," a statement from Da Chan Bay One said.
A total of six container ships with an average capacity of 5,500 TEU are being used to operate the service, on the following port rotation of: Kwangyang, Busan, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Da Chan Bay, Tanjung Pelepas, Colombo, Pipavav, Nhava Sheva, Port Muhammad Bin Qasim, Port Kelang, Tanjung Pelepas, Singapore, Hong Kong, and back to Kwangyang.
CMA CGM boosts ties with Da Chan Bay Terminal One