MAERSK LINE has postponed the imposition of its record Asia-Europe peak season surcharge (PSS) by 15 days amid reports from forwarders that vessel space and containers are available.
Maersk postponed its PSS for services from Asia (excluding Taiwan) to northern Europe and the Mediterranean from July 15 until August 1, reports London`s International Freighting Weekly.
An unidentified shipping contact was cited as saying that forwarders were having no problems finding space or containers because volumes had weakened over the last two weeks.
However, he said some shipments had previously been delayed until a later sailing, and if volumes picked up, container and capacity supply could become a problem again.
Owing to the extra costs associated with combating the container shortage, Maersk announced a record PSS of US$750 per TEU, $1,000 per FEU and $1,200 per 40 foot high-cube container on westbound services to north Europe in June.
Meanwhile, CMA CGM maintains that a shortage of equipment has been affecting the industry since the beginning of the second quarter, but its actions have offset the effects of the shortage.
"CMA CGM immediately reacted and implemented several measures and has therefore been able for the moment to minimise the impact of the shortage to its clients," said the French carrier.
CMA CGM also said it had ordered 57,000 containers, which would be delivered in time for the peak season; leased equipment in remote locations, now being positioned in demand areas, especially Asia; chartered space and organised specific voyages with some of its larger vessels to repatriate equipment to Asia; and was restricting the acceptance of some bookings to surplus areas.
"With the implementation of these costly measures, CMA CGM is confident it is minimising the impact for its customers," it said.
Box and space shortages delay Maersk`s peak season surcharge