Nippon Cargo Airlines finds non-scheduled demand grows tenfold

Time:2010-03-01 Browse:161 Author:RISINGSUN

NIPPON Cargo Airlines` non-scheduled flights increased tenfold in FY2009. So far this fiscal year, NCA operated 78 non-scheduled flights, which fly predetermined routes, and 20 charter flights, for which departure and destination customers pick cities.
Including reservations through the end of March, these flights will total 114 in fiscal 2009, up from just 11 flown in fiscal 2008.
Nippon Cargo Airlines says it is already receiving orders beyond March, and plans to fly at least 100 non-scheduled flights in fiscal 2010.
Lucrative cargo, such as vehicles and parts for auto races and electronics, were previously mainly transported on scheduled flights. However, the global economic downturn prompted air cargo operators to reduce their scheduled services, decreasing space availability and leaving some freight requiring non-scheduled service.
"NCA has loosened the flight schedule of its scheduled service so that its eight aircraft can be also used for non-scheduled flights, sparing itself the need to add new airplanes," it said in a statement.