Just-in-time parts delivery soon from UPS in mainland China

Time:2010-01-28 Browse:158 Author:RISINGSUN

ATLANTA`s United Parcel Service (UPS) plans to extend its global just-in-time service parts logistics (SPL) network to mainland China with its 101 new field stocking locations (FSLs).
Chinese companies needing same-day or next-day delivery of critical parts will benefit its main customer base which UPS operates in 89 cities across the country with more than 110 FSLs.
"China is a critical part of the growth strategy of many companies worldwide and UPS`s extensive regional and global FSL network enables companies to be well-positioned to support their after-market needs in Asia," said UPS logistics and distribution president Brad Mitchell.
UPS has expanded its global FSL network in India and has opened a customer support centre in the Philippines to meet SPL needs in Asia round the clock. Globally the UPS SPL network has more than 950 FSLs in 120 countries.