Shandong 11-month port box volumes near last year`s level

Time:2009-12-24 Browse:120 Author:RISINGSUN

SEAPORTS in Shandong province achieved a container throughput of 12.03 million TEU during the first 11 months of this year, which was 98.9 per cent of the annual volume recorded last year, Xinhua reported.
During this period, cargo tonnage through provincial ports on the southern side of the Yellow Sea opposite Korea, rose 11.6 per cent year on year to 673 million tonnes. Foreign trade cargo throughput amounted to 386 million tonnes, 11.3 per cent more than last year`s volume.
In November, Shandong seaports lifted 1.1 million TEU, up 1.03 per cent compared to the same month in the preceding year. Cargo tonnage increased 13.8 per cent to 61.1 million tonnes. Foreign trade cargo throughput rose 25.9 per cent to 35.3 million tonnes.
The three major ports of the province, Qingdao, Rizhao and Yantai, achieved a total of 574 million tonnes in the first 11 months, representing 85.2 per cent of the province`s general throughput volume.
Qingdao handled 289 million tonnes, 5.1 per cent more than in the same period in 2008. Port of Rizhao`s throughput increased 22.8 per cent to 170 million tonnes. Yantai recorded a throughput of 115 million tonnes, up 10.3 per cent.