Neptune CEO Ron Widdows joins board of insurers` P&I Club

Time:2009-11-09 Browse:211 Author:RISINGSUN

SINGAPORE`s Neptune Orient Lines CEO Ron Widdows was one of seven new directors to be elected to the board of the insurers group, the P&I Club, at its recent annual general meeting (AGM) in Bermuda.
Others elected were Jason Liberty, vice president Royal Caribbean Cruises; Harley Franco, chairman and CEO, Harley Marine Services; Nobutaka Mukae, managing director, of Kumiai Senpaku; Roger Gillett, chairman of Bermuda`s Insurance Development Council; Hideyuki Takahashi, director of the corporate management division of Nippon Oil Tanker Corporation and Smain Larbi Ghomri, general manager, Hyproc SC.