CHINA`s Coscon Logistics has selected the global GPS-based sensor network provided by Savi Networks to tag customer shipments in China. The initiative aims to provide increased visibility and security to customers by tracking and monitoring their shipments across the supply chain in real-time.
The move by Coscon Logistics to track and monitor shipper conveyances using GPS technology will mark the first large-scale, commercial, GPS-based tracking system of its kind to be launched in China, a Savi statement said.
The initiative will require sensors provided by Savi Networks to be attached to Coscon containers so that real-time data can be transmitted through Savi Network`s GPS system. Savi said this will help "customers improve their supply chain processes, increase security, reduce inventory levels, provide real-time information on delivery times, and most importantly, reduce overall supply chain costs related to China`s complex logistics environment."
In addition to providing real-time visibility of cargo location, sensor devices report on the security status of the shipments as well as environmental conditions inside the container such as temperature and humidity. The sensing capabilities provided by the GPS network are also designed to provide immediate alerts of cargo theft and damage, to achieve a higher level of security and product integrity.
Real-time, actionable data on the location and security of the container and its cargo will be available through a web-based application accessible to Coscon customers, which will enable them to view the actual route of shipments through automatically generated maps and perform exception management of the progress and security status of their shipments in real-time.
"We intend to use Savi Networks` GPS network to extend our leadership position by providing our customers improved supply chain execution and decision capabilities that significantly reduce cost," said Lin Hongbing, general manager of Coscon Logistics.
Coscon is expected to offer the service to key shippers on domestic and international container moves as a part of its integrated logistics offering.
Coscon Logistics to start GPS-based shipment tracking in China